Is there any type of candy bar that has become a classic? If so what is it called in different countries? 有没有一种糖果条已经成为经典食品了?如果这样它被称为不同国家的名字是什么?


Cadburys Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar,英国的巧克力棒。


Candies like Snickers Twix Milky Way MMs KitKat are all classic candies around the world.

是的,有一种糖果条已经成了经典。这种糖果条叫做Snickers Bar(思尼克)在不同的国家有其他的名字:比如在日本它是 Snickers Almonds、在中国大陆则是 Nicks Candy Bars等等。

Hersheys Kisses are the most well-known chocolate kisses in the world. It was invented by Milton Hershey in 1908 as a way to use up his chocolate production surplus during the Great Depression.黑森林巧克力是世界上最著名的软糖。它是由Milton Hershey在20世纪初发明的,目的是利用过剩的生产量来度过大萧条时期。

Candies like Hersheys Kisses are an example of a classic candy bar. They have been around for over 100 years now.巧克力球是这种经典的糖果的代表。它们已经存在超过一百年的时间了。

I think the Snickers Bar is one of them.我认为Snickers Bar是其中之一。

Yes The Snickers Bar is the most popular one around the world. Its made from chocolate peanuts and caramel which are all very delicious flavors. Do you like them是的!Snickers Bar是最受欢迎的世界范围内的一种。它是由巧克力、花生和焦糖制成,这些味道都非常美味。你喜欢它们吗?

Candy bars are very popular all over the world. The most famous one is Snickers which was invented by Mars Incorporated.糖果条在全球都很受欢迎。最著名的是Snickers,由火星公司发明的。
